"It is only by His pleasure and not for any other reason that He made a way to save man, giving us Jesus as our Redeemer, that He chose man to save and not the fallen angels, that He gave us the Bible to know His character and will, that He influenced us with the Spirit and not others, and that He woke us up with sovereign grace"
-Jonathan Edwards

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The good shepherd (Psalm 23)

Today was our day off, our sabbath. If you've ever tried to do any sort of ministry you know that it's hard work, and without a day to rest and reflect it's nearly impossible. As a team we've been looking at Psalm 23 for the past two days as a means to reflect on God and what he's doing in our lives.

As part of my day off, I decided to go for a run through the botanical gardens (yes, I said run. You might say I'm turning over a new leaf). It's a beautiful park in downtown Sydney about two blocks from where we live. On the way there I was contemplating life and its intricacies when I started to think about application for our scripture passage. Many times in life, I think that if I do God's will, it will be the harder way. I think that giving up on my plans and doing God's will would wreck any sort of enjoyment in life that I could've otherwise had in my current situation so I don't want to listen. I want to do my own thing. While running today, I noticed quite the opposite: here I am in Sydney, one of the busiest global cities in the world and God can still lead me by the still waters. He restores my soul. I was running through the park and began to think about how badly God wants to shepherd me. He wants to prepare a table before me, and fill my cup until it runs over. When I'm not "feeling" close to God or when my relationship with him isn't what I would like it to be, it's not because of him. God wants to be there. It's only my sin that keeps me away. We're so content with leading ourselves down what we perceive as the "best" path that we forget that there could be so much more to life out there. This truth of God's word, that he has the best plan and that he's working all things together for our good is so hard to truly live by, but we should.

It took a few sacrifices for me to Australia, but I know that God is using my time for my best, and for the furtherance of his kingdom to which I am an heir. I'm absolutely loving this trip and I can see that it was so worth the price I paid to get here. It doesn't take much on our end to do God's will. He provides a way to do it. And I'm convinced, if we stay in his will, we won't regret it. This is how a missionary in a foreign land, one much more dangerous than where I'm at, can stay and be happy, because they're in the center of their good shepherd's will. No matter how bad the territory, the safest place we can be is in the shepherds fold, and it's a beautiful place to be.

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