"It is only by His pleasure and not for any other reason that He made a way to save man, giving us Jesus as our Redeemer, that He chose man to save and not the fallen angels, that He gave us the Bible to know His character and will, that He influenced us with the Spirit and not others, and that He woke us up with sovereign grace"
-Jonathan Edwards

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The day is fast approaching...

Wow. It's Saturday night (May 8th) and I leave next Monday (17th). I would be lying if I said I was completely ready and at peace. I remember feeling this way last summer right before I went to Summer Beach Project. Everyone always asks: "so are you scared or excited?" I'd say I'm 100% excited and 100% scared! It's that really weird feeling you have when you know that something great is about to happen, a new chapter of life is about to unfold. It's that last day of High School/first day of college feeling. I know that it will be amazing and I'm so thankful that I've been given this great opportunity. I just don't know exactly what to expect.

The following is a letter that I plan to send to my support team before I leave. For all of my faithful blog-watchers, I'll give you a sneak peak..

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. Matt 28:18-20

Dear Support Team,

First of all, I would like to say thank you for your prayer and financial support of my trip to Australia this summer. The preparation for this trip has taught me more, and caused me to draw closer to the Lord than almost anything I can remember. I’ve seen God’s power and providence in ways that I never imagined. More than anything, I’ve seen how small my faith is standing next to the huge power and holiness of God. I can relate to the disciples when Jesus filled their nets to the breaking point as I see what it’s like to ask and receive.

Financially, I’m in great shape for the trip. God has provided me with $6,200 in support at the time of writing this letter so not only will my trip be paid for, through your support I’ve been able to help the rest of my team as we labor to raise support together. Thanks again for allowing God to use you to make this happen!

As we prepare for departure, my team has compiled a set of prayer requests to pass on to our support teams. In Australia, Americans are generally disliked. Aussie’s think that we talk too much and are generally fake. This leads to a common insult used to describe Americans: Sepos (short for septic tanks). In good humor, as always, we created an acronym using this insult to ask God to provide for our needs. It goes like this:

-Servant Hearted: That we will be quick to serve Aussie believers and non-believers- Mark 10:45

-Evangelism: That God will bless us with many relationships and open doors for the gospel-Colossians 4:3

-Passion: We would gain a deeper sense of awe and passion for Christ as we pursue intimacy with Him- Psalms 27:4

-Others-Centered: Our team would be others-centered and unified in the Spirit- Philippians 2:3-4

-Security: That we will grow in our grasp of our position in Christ as find security in Him when facing rejection-Galatians 1:10

Thank you so much for your faithfulness and continuous encouragement through this process of preparation. Without your help I wouldn’t be going to Australia. My team and I will be leaving on May 17th and returning on June 29th. Please continue to pray during this time. Also, feel free to contact me if you have any questions at all, or would like to discuss the trip further.

For His Kingdom,



1 comment:

  1. sorry the formatting looks weird. I copied it from a word document...
